Naruto Fan Club #20

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    *Frowns while talking to Kakashi*
    "Damnit!! Why did that stupid bill-board brow have to run off like that? Doesn't she know better?!"
    *Clinches fists and looks around*
    Whispers: Sakura.. where are you...?
    *Looks down at the ground*
    "And you too, Sasuke.."

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *lifts Ino's chin so she looks Kakashi in the eye*
    "She'll be fine"
    *looks around"
    Thinks: Now where could she be...
    *Hears a rustle from the shadows*
    *Notces a piece of fabric flash for a moment from the shadows*
    *laughs quietly to self*
    *turns away from the shadows where Sakura is hiding*
    "You guys go on ahead and look in the hosptal... she might have gone back. Iruka and I will stay here."
    *smiles and waves good-bye*

    I'M SO SORRY!! >_< I'll finish reading it really soon ^_^

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    "damn, do you know where she went?"

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    "No... she just ran off"

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    "hmmm, tell me if you see her okay?"
    *turns and walks away*

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    *Leans away from Kakashi frowning*
    *Looks over at Tsunade*
    "I'll go look in the hospital then."
    *Turns around and walks back into the hospital*

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *watches as Ino and Tsunade walk away*
    *looks at the shadows with a smile*
    (Ino and Tsunade are out of hearing range now)
    "Hello, Sakura"

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Looks up at Kakashi*
    "H-How did you know, master Kakashi?"
    *Crawls slowly out of the shadows*

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *smiles at Sakura*
    "I just knew, and I'm a ninja. What else could you expect?"
    *ruffles Sakura's hair*
    "So why did you run off in the first place?"

    Kakashi would be a great father...

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    "Master Kakashi..."
    *Looks up at him*
    "I'm scared."

    He would wouldn't he?

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    "About what, Sakura?"
    *looks concerned*
    Thinks: Is this about that dream thing...?

    I think he's with Kakashi...

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    WOOT! We have a new member ^_^ Her name is Hinata, and $10 dollars to the person who guesses who she is gonna play ^.- Yeah. Since Bethany hasn't been here for a while, we're gonna let Hinata play. Sound good? I'll change the top...

  • XdangerouslyXgenuineX
    17 years ago

    is hinata playing hinata?

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    Yup yup ^_^

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    Lol. That was her profile, if you wanted... ^.-

  • XdangerouslyXgenuineX
    17 years ago

    what monoploy money what kind of rip off is that...dam

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    It's a joke we use a lot ^_^ Iruka, you gotta say something ^.-

  • XdangerouslyXgenuineX
    17 years ago

    thats a sad joke i wanted money

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    "Let's go sit down somewhere, Sakura"
    *walks over a pile of crates and sits down*

    . . .

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *moves over so that Sakur and Iruka can sit down*

    Me tis OK ^_^


  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    awww i was gunna ask if i could be hinata, (because that's one of my nick names at school and i love hinata)

    but oh well

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    hi link