HELP!!! 1st fight... idk what to do... :(

  • Kaila
    17 years ago

    Ok, so me and my bf just got in our first fight... we are in a long distance relationship and he gets frustrated real easy... well, not really long distance but we dont get to see e/o very often b/c he lives in kentucky and i live in ohio and only he can drive. recently got his liscense... neways, this weekend we couldnt see e/o and he got all depressed and started briging me down with him... he didnt mean to but then he jsut kind closed down... he wouldnt talk to me about it and was just in a pissed off mood... the whole conversation was just like dead silent... so i said if you dotn want to talk about it then im gonna get off the phone and when you feel like talking then call me back... i was like i love you and then he just hung up... and earlier today he was saying how he was thinking about giving up and this is too hard...
    *massive tears*

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    My god! Me and Marcus have at least five fights a week! They don't mean anything! It's a healthy part of a relationship. He has a lot of faith doesn't he. Jeez.

  • Jamie Lorraine
    17 years ago

    Every relationship needs a fight every once in a while. because face it, you don't want to be in one of those relationships where you never fight and agree with everything, then you would be the same. sometimes fights help the people in the relationship to show them that they really do love the other person no matter how bad the fight you still love them. it takes a lot to have a fight and to say that you still love the person while you are mad at them.

  • Prophecies In Kodak
    17 years ago

    Giving up already?

    You must not mean much to him, to be honest.
    I'd fight like hell for the girl I "loved".

    You just might be wasting your time. Actually.. You are. Heh.

  • Jaime
    17 years ago

    Some people need space when they're mad. So give it to him. Let him chill for a while, and then talk to him. If he decides he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you, then respect that. Otherwise, work things out.