Sinner's Alleyway #3

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    *let's go*
    Sorry that's all you get for now just a short hug. I have to go to the sock party now. I'll be back on in 6 hours or so, but I don't know if you will be so I'll talk to you next time you're on.


  • Jack Rabbit
    17 years ago


  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    You said you were fine Jordan you lied to me.

    And yes it was a decent birthday afterall. and what is this about someone not in the group posting?

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Happy belated birthday jack.
    *gives him a present and gives kris eclipse*