Uh oh...

  • kori
    17 years ago

    Alright, I appreciate you guys reading and helping me...

    Theres this guy whom I dated for almost 9 months, and we broke up on August 22. The main reason we broke up was because he was leaving for college, but hes only 40 minutes away.. Another main reason we broke up was because he was obsessive and manipulative. (I'd elaborate on that more, but I won't. I think you get the point)

    Well tonight he IMs me and he's drunk, and he tells me that he knows everything he did was wrong and such. And he eventually sobered up (we talked for about 3 hours) and we were just talking and we decided to be friends and take things slowly.

    I know that if I were to get back together with him my family would not approve, and they'd be disappointed in me. In the past when me and him broke up and got back together, initially when I agreed to meet him he'd manipulate me into getting back with him (this happened three times)

    And now I've agreed with him to meet him tomorrow at the cafe. We agreed to each other though that we wouldn't go too fast, and we'd just be friends and he promised not to talk me into it or sweep me off of my feet...

    That's the thing about him, he's got this irrisistanble charm about him, and I know when I see him sparks are gonna fly..

    Please help me!!! Tell me what I'm doing is wrong and that I should call it off!!! lol I'm so confused :(

  • Sherry Lynn
    17 years ago

    If you already know that you are weak and volnurable (sp) with him then the best thing that you could do for youself is just to avoid him.

    It is hard and I know it hurts, but honestly, you have to think about yourself here.


  • kori
    17 years ago

    I know I know.. But nothing is actually hurting me right now. I got over him, he just didn't. I think I can be able to be a little stronger now, but god WHAT AM I DOIN'? lol i have no reason to see him, except, well, idk. I don't know what it is, I told him I'd meet him already.

    What should I do?

    I feel so lost

  • kori
    17 years ago

    It's not like I'm crawling back to him, he's the one who IMed me and isn't over me. I so wish he was over me so we can see each other without having to worry and just be friends.

    I'm seeing him in 3 hours now, it's not that I'm dreading it, it's just that I can't believe it.

    Can someone say somethin that's gonna make me have confidence please, I can't cancel. lol I feel like such a push over.

    I was so in love with him back then, and I'm really hoping I can be strong enough not to let those feelings back.

  • Jamie Lorraine
    17 years ago

    You can do so much better!! like the old saying "there are plently more fish in the sea"

    so why do you keep on going back to him? because of his charm? Please you can turn and walk the other way honey

  • kori
    17 years ago

    Oye, it's too late now. I'm meeting him in a half hour. I decided that we'll just be friends. I think I've grown stronger the past few months and I know that I don't need him. I can resist temptation for a few hours.

    I know that I should just tell him I can't make it. I don't remember his number or anything, I don't know. I can't cancel. Where we're meeting is right up my road. If I don't come he'd call probably and he might come over and my mom will see. So I'll gun it out for a little while.

    I appreciate what everyone has said, I agree with all of you. Guess we'll see what happens after today.