THE RAINBOW PACK: Coloring your world

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    The Rainbow Pack:

    Gaby= Deadly or Deadly Ninja
    Auzy= Smexylicious
    Kristine= Pyroticly Insane
    Sky= Confused Popsicles
    Mina= Pretty Lollipop
    ky=Demonic Cupcake
    Ichigo=The Crazy Ninja
    Shelby=Shelly Belly
    Gem=Kyoot Kitten
    Lana=Empress Ally
    Kyo=Love on Her Arms


    Edward-The Bloody Penguin
    Snugglebutt-The Leprechaun
    Qinwo-The Penguin
    Toki- The Lost Panda
    Mashimaroo- The Bunny
    Fire-The Tiger
    Jack-The Teddy Bear

    Give me something to call you and I'll add you.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    AH you're telling me you don't want to be part of The Rainbow Pack? I'm deeply offended by this new development.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    But I'm not that creative Britt, why do you think there are already 2 blank spaces up there. And I'm adding your name, so that will make 3 till we come up with something to name you.

    Maybe I'll ask Sam to help *evil grin*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Oh but she would come up with a lovely name for you. XD

    That reminds me I still need to come up with a nickname for her.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    See I'm recruiting people to help me with names, and because it's you it should be good. lol.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Oh you know you're Britt, and plus you talk to Sam on a daily basis I believe.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    I'm just saying you, like Sam, and myself, and half the other people on this site, are pretty random. It was only said with good intentions. See I've got a halo today. I'm the good Katty Kat today.

    *points to Halo*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Right of course not, it's our natural state of being, so it's subconscious. And I can have a halo, for about 5 minutes or so...maybe...

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Shouldn't have told me that...
    *pokes britt*
    *evil laugh*

    I can be good for longer, it's just more fun to be evil. Ask Sam. She said when she dubbed me Katty Kat, that I could be good or evil depending on the day because I fly around the world and collect Fried Ice Cream for us both to eat.

    Yummy... Now I want fried ice cream...

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *runs around*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago


    lol still only 1 B. But yea my pops is home at the moment. I can still talk, but my replies will take longer because I gotta make sure he doesn't catch me.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    scary. i'm glad you can talk though!!! even if it takes awhile or is short. ^.^

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    He'll think I'm using the computer desk to do homework and have the internet window on for music, but gotta be careful. I feel so sneaky...and I like

    *pokes Britt*

    don't wet yourself. lol.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    I'm being sneaky too. lol.
    and who is the dork Britt?
    *throws icecream at her*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    How are you being sneaky?

    And Yea who is the dork? me?

    And that better not be fried ice cream you are wasting.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    I'm not actually supposed to be on this site. at all. but i am so.... YAY

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    And why aren't you supposed to be on here at all?

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Mom+dad+online chat site=unhappiness.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Hey this isn't a chat site. It is a poems and quotes site with a discussion board. The chat part is completely shut down. lol

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    I know. but like the only thing they would think is that i'm talking to people on the internet. my poetry would be completely irrelevant to them. :(

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    So are you not even spose to be on the internet?

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    No i can be on the internet, i'm just not supposed to be on like sites like this i guess. idk.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Because you can interact with people

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    I guess.
    it's all very confusing, but it's actually not difficult to be on here since they don't check to see what i'm doing.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    I'll bet not then. But hey I've got to go Gaby. I've got to take my lil sister's to basketball practise. I'll see you later.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Okay, buh bi!!!!!
    have fun at your little sister's basketball practice!!!

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    I don't have to stay. I'm lucky, but I have to go to work after that. Make some money to put towards my car. Bye Bye.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    good luck~~~!!!

  • Jack Rabbit
    17 years ago

    Can I join this?
    <-< >->

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    Hi all

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    ICHII!!! *hugs*
    and yup Jack u can join. sadly, Kris is not on right now so we can't add you yet but you'll be a part of us. k? oh. lol, and if you could try to think up a name for yourself it would be very much appreciated. ^.^

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    I like yer pic Jack.


  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    It's cool isn't it?

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago


    Jack-The Teddy Bear

  • XdangerouslyXgenuineX
    17 years ago

    Demonic cupcake on the muffin platter!!!

    aka hi im here

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Hello I'm back. and I edited the list.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Why fun Auzy?

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago



  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago


    Young people these days.

    I remember when I was a kid, we never used to use language that profain.

    (Heh, sounds like what my grandma would say to that.)

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    I know, lol.

    Yeah, I was a bad ass in middle school.

    More so than I am now.

    I mean, I was hardcore.
