The Rainbow Pack: Check out all the pretty colors.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    We make rainbows.

    The Rainbow Pack:

    Gaby= Deadly or Deadly Ninja
    Auzy= Smexylicious
    Kristine= Pyroticly Insane
    Sky= Confused Popsicles
    Mina= Pretty Lollipop
    ky=Demonic Cupcake
    Ichigo=The Crazy Ninja
    Shelby=Shelly Belly
    Gem=Kyoot Kitten
    Lana=Empress Ally
    Jack=Magical Smexy Pyro Booty
    Kat=Smexy Pyro Kitty
    Kyo=Love on Her Arms
    Micheala=Sparky Finger
    Robin=The Darkness


    Edward-The Bloody Penguin
    Snugglebutt-The Leprechaun
    Qinwo-The Penguin
    Toki- The Lost Panda
    Mashimaroo- The Bunny
    Fire-The Tiger
    Jack-The Teddy Bear

    Give me something to call you and I'll add you.
    It would help if you could think up a name for yourself I'm not very creative.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Wow we're finally filling in the holes with the nicknames. Only five more people need nicknames on this list.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    *dances about like a crazy person*


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Kat I'm using your nickname from the pyro pack on this list too in order to fill it up. If you think of a different one for this thread tell me and I'll change it.

    *pokes mina and turns invisible*
    *evil laugh*

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    *tracks Kris down from the noise of her evil laughter*


    *pokes twice and runs away*


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Oh heh silly me I shouldn't have laughed so loud. lol.

    *chases Mina on a pogo stick*

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago


    Time to get out the heavy artillery.

    *grabs her talking-Elmo-plushie-launcher*

    Ha! Be prepared to endure the anoyingness of Elmo.

    *shoots a bunch of talking Elmos at Kris*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    *screams and hops away on pogo stick*

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago


    Victory is mine!


  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago


    That's definally original.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    I just read it and I think that it's really good.

    I understand where yer coming from with that one.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    Obiously(sp?) I am waaay faster than you.


  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    Oh yeah, well I can . . . do this.

    *grabs an all-powerful, magical remote control*

    *presses fast forward*

    *watches the flaming polar bear run off really fast*

    Ha! I'm so clever and witty.


  • Gem
    17 years ago

    Howdy peeps, only just realised P&Q was back up! lmao

    Hows everyones xmas plans coming along? =)


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    I've been having some troubles, but I wait a little bit and then it starts working again.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    But not have it shut down for 2 weeks again. I would die.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    But they normally do do a good job keeping it up and running. I actually got on allpeotry while it was down, and I'm like wow, this is no match for P&Q.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    I didn't really explore it much because it just wasn't up to the standards that P&Q created so I don't know it well either so I shouldn't talk, but I didn't like it.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Yup this site is awesome. I tried looking up quotes on google, and I could never find anything I liked or was looking for and same for the poetry.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Yup someone should tell Janis that.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Janis is the creator of this site I believe. I've heard that from several people, so I think it's true. I'd have to look it up to be sure though.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Heck if I know I've never talked to Janis. I was just saying if you like it so much and you told Janis maybe the updates wouldn't take so long. lol

    And Kyo are you just running around reaking havoc? if you are I want to join. And you tell me who is the devil.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Lol nice excuse Kat.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    You're in a good mood huh kyo?

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Well you're actually popping on P&Q more. For a while there you were MIA.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Well you had them worried. You kinda brought that on yourself.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Uh-oh...I sense something devious plan in the works...I want in on it. lol.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    *grabs the wire*
    so what are we doing?

    Hello Mina. How're you?

    *pokes Mina*

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    *growls at Kris*

    Grrrrrr . . .

    Idk, but Kat just reminded me of sniffing cocaine.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Oh don't growl at me Mina. I had to get you. You threw annoying elmos at me yesterday. It wasn't fair.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Didn't know you had a polar bear

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Nope no polar bears, so has this polar bear got a name?

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    WOOOWWW too long of a name.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    Wtf . . .


    Looks Russian.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    Omg, no wonder I couldn't get on it that one day.

    I spelled vakant "vacant."

    After you told me like 4389748397 how to spell it.

    I'm such a dumb ass lol.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    I new the second part of the name was Japanese, but the first part was too long. Too bad I can't read Japanese. I'm in a chinese class not the same thing, but still an asian language.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    I'm in Latin 2.

    I just loves my nerdies.


  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    Bennie was so mean to me today, though.

    He got all the answers from Michael, when I obviously has first dibs, and then he made me come all the way across the room to copy them after being chased around by Mr. Pagan who saw him cheating.

    And then he's like, "Oh, don't worry, I won't let Mina copy the answers 'cause she actually has a future in Latin."

    I was so mad.


  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    i'm sorry.