Relative Newbie to BLP That Would Like A Few New Friends

  • Ariah Kaltesh
    19 years ago

    Ciao amici! The name's Ariah Kaltesh. I'm a fourteen year old female looking for both guy friends and girl friends. I'm interested in drawing, writing, acting, dancing; pretty much all the entertaining arts. My main passion, however, is Egypt. If you think we might have something in common, please, feel completely free to post here, on my poems and quotes, or even email me. I'm always looking for new friends. ^_^

    Your Freaky Friend,

    Ah-nekh wedja seneb

  • †Rachel†
    19 years ago


    i like acting and singing and....stuff. so ...yeah hi!

  • LoUIse
    19 years ago

    hi there!!! for me i love writing and drawing!!!

  • Ariah Kaltesh
    19 years ago

    Hey guys, be sure to email me back! ^_^