Story Writing!! ~Need some help!!

  • Charlie
    16 years ago

    i no its not poetry.. although i love to write that too..

    but at the moment i want to write a story and im really stuck for ideas..i want to write something different and original!

    i will be extremely greatful for any ideas that any of you post!

    thank you!!!! X

  • Samantha
    16 years ago

    Maybe start with something about your life and let it grow from there
    or just start with something and just run with it

  • Void
    16 years ago

    Alright, well personally I would never actually tell you to force words out of the hand that isn't ready to write.
    However, if you want to write that badly, I think the best suggestion I can give you is to either pick someone who intrigues you in such a way that you would LOVE to base a character on them. *Even if that person is you. Or Create a character you would love to be, or be friends with.

    As someone who used to read, I always felt that the characters of a story are very important. You want to give someone a character that they can relate to, or become. And as someone who used to write alot of short stories, I always felt that once you can make a character - their story comes to you after.

    Instead of focusing on a story, how about trying to look at things from a different angle. A brand new character's eyes.

    Try it and let me know how it goes. :)

    Sorry if this was too much reading - I have a tendency to blab. Heh.

  • kevin Boundy AKA the ghost
    16 years ago

    I agree and its important you really stick to the plot because some people can get really off topic and that kind of thing ruins a story so just keep an eye on where your story is headed to avoid falling off topic