HELP!! My best friends other friends hates my guts

  • ♥Meâ„¢
    19 years ago

    OMFG!!! Okay, my best friend, (we'll call her Maria), has another best friend, (we'll call her Cady.) Well yesterday late afternoon, Cady took Maria's cell phone and called up and asked me a few questions, and then right before we hung up, Cady had the nerve to ask me if i was a dyke!!! i had told her no, which is the truth. then she hung up on me. Well my friend Maria didnt even call me back to say sorry about her other friend. *which i wouldve done if one of my friends called her and did that* So ive been p*ssed at Cady all day.

    then today Maria calls me up asking why i was mad at HER. and so i told her why. about an hour later, Cady calls me again and chews me out for arguing with Maria. Cady also threatened me to stop b*tching about everything. and then it got worse. Maria accused me of being JEALOUS of Cady. which i am NOT. i just wish that my BEST FRIEND would treat me like an actual best friend like she states she does. i want her to treat me like she treats Cady, which is A LOT better than what she treats me right now.

    but please help me. what should i do? what should i say to Maria? i need advice


  • †Rachel†
    19 years ago

    if theyre being like this do you really think theyre worth your effort...i suppose all you wanna do really is show them that you can rise above it...
    sorry if this is no help...:S xx

  • Rachelx
    19 years ago

    Wow, Im went through the same thing not so long ago. I wish I wouldn't have dont things different. This girl 'Cady' apparently doesn't like you, and is trying to keep and you and 'Maria' from being friends. Talk to 'Cady', ask her whether or not she is starting to have different feelings, (friend-wise), and ask her what has been going on. Hopefully, she will talk to you about it and you can work it out.

    Hope for the best!

  • Rozzy
    19 years ago

    tell cady to go screw herself and tell marie that if she was really your friend she wouldnt be taking a piece of trash's side.wait no thats mean but still tell cady to go screw herself!and um with your so called best friend marie.....i think you should talk to her when cady isnt around.good luck!

    it sux losin a close friend.but hey er i'm here for u! :)

  • EpithetPoet
    19 years ago

    it seems to me taht your friend has already chosen whose side she's taken in all this, but you should still talk to cady and ask what her problem is and if the hostility still continues and your friend still backs the other girl up, i would just drop it cause it's not worth your time. it'll hurt at first but it's better to not have someone like that in your life.