"Senior Member"

  • PygmyPuff
    16 years ago

    So I've been a "senior Member" for a while now, meaning I can vote or nominate or whatever for the contests.

    Only thing is, I cant actually do that. Like the first time I tried it said I had already voted 3 times this week. I haven't voted 3 times, I haven't even voted once.

    Anyone else have this problem? Is it just a p & q problem or a Katherine Problem?

  • Pete
    16 years ago

    Yeah, I've had this problem and I've heard a few other members complain regarding the same thing.
    Seems to me like the admin and mod staff know it's a glitch but are either unable or unwilling (not mods) to fix it at this point.

    You will find a few other glitches if you look closely enough...


  • Moose
    16 years ago

    There are a few other posts with this topic. I myself can vote for the weekly contests just fine, but I've also been a senior member for quite some time.

  • Fluffy
    16 years ago

    What in the world is a 'Katherine problem'?


  • Pete
    16 years ago

    Katherine is her name, so I'm guessing what she means is ... Is it a site problem, or something at her end.

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    16 years ago

    It does the same thing to me.
    And if you haven't noticed, the contest winners haven't changed for ages either.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago

    And the funny thing is, my poem "Killed me with a fantasy" is like, number one on it and yet it's like, one of the only poems that hasn't been featured in the weekly contest =[ rofl sigh oh well no need to complain *stops complaining* * smiles *

    (*oh, and I'm having the same problem too, with nominating them =]*)

  • Boy
    16 years ago

    Yeh agreed stop complaning. but actually i also have the same problem :S

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago


  • PygmyPuff
    16 years ago

    Oh that makes sense. At least its not just me. I was so excited when I got senior, and i could vote for like a day, and voila i couldnt anymore.

    I guess I just have to wait.

    Are there any other specialty things that come with being a senior??

  • Bryan
    16 years ago

    Yep but youll have to wait, the new clubs are inactive.

  • cowgirlstar26
    16 years ago

    Yeah it's kinda weird..im sure things will get ironed out eventually....

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago

    This website has... rather, had so much potential.

    But with many thanks to the owner,
    all that has gone down the drain.

  • Brittney Follett
    16 years ago

    Simple curiousity how 'old' on the site do you have to be a mod? like what is it.. 1 or 2 years? cause when they came out with it.. i was one already. i was like: cool. lol i never vote or use it though so its a waste on my part.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago

    Okay, so I understood your question, and then you started rambling on with something totally not on the same topic as what you started out at.

    Can you rephrase your question?

  • Mello193
    16 years ago

    Just a katherine problem.....it never happend to me

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    By having a "silver" favorites or poets award (the one that is actually blue)

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago

    A senior member.
    Everytime I log into my account now I feel old. :P

  • silvershoes
    16 years ago

    Quit complainin', young thing.

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago

    I'm thankful for it though.